seriously cnnt bear to leave you. thanks for trusting me and letting me knw tht you are going befre hand although i seriously thought it was a joke. I really got many things to tell you. though i only knw you for a mere one year and a few months, i swear i'm going to miss you super mch.
firstly, thankyous for the jokes you had told me to cheer me up.
secondly, thankyous for the time spent to accompany me and the rest to the interchange.
thirdly, thankyous for the laughter you did to make us laugh.
forthly, thankyous for persuading faye to help me for the presentation.
you are a really great friend. and i understand ur reason for wnting to go bck there. rest assured we will all remain as one clique, always missing you, waiting for ur emails. takecares when you're at USA. becos, we'll miss you mch, and will wnt to see you bck in one whole, lastly, ILOVEYOU. && i'll miss you. ♥♥
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