Nehru! ,
Here, my promise. I hope I don't leave any parts out! ^^

Day 1: 22/03/2010.
Meet Boyf for a while before proceeding to the hall to gather. Miss him like hellz. In the hall, realised that I wasn't in the same group with Besty. And I was very demoralised in terms of participating in the camp. Hmm, proceeded to the bus a few minutes later. That time, Boyf already went for class already. :( So, we reached the jetty in a while. Haha, my bag was frigging heavy! My group was NEHRU. We did some admin stuff and got to know our instructors - Shameel and Rendal. After that, on the boat we went. Same boat with Besty! Haha, was sitting behind her with Vinny and was applying my sunblock. Reached OBS camp 1 and started off with "confiscating our personal valuables". Didn't surrender my phone anyway. Haha, then. We drew something and played a few group games. Haha, we managed to beat the other schools' high score. Lol. Didn't do anything much. But I pitched tents with Ky and Vinny while the others cooked. ^^ Bathed, night walked and lights out!
Day 2: 23/03/2010.
I'm the IC for the day w/ Ky! HAHA. Woke up damn early today to unpitch tents. But it was fun. ^^ So, becos of the YOG thingy, we played a few games which includes the giant rope, giant ski, ball juggling and the wooden plank. But it rained suddenly, so we had to proceed indoors. Haha, although we lost thoroughly, I think we enjoyed it. Haha. We went to pack our stuffs for the sea expedition for 1 or 2 hours before getting ready to learn how to row a boat. Lol, I was practically sun tanning at the floating platform becos I was the last group to learn the skills. But Rendal told us about quarries. Haha. Ate a bread for lunch and then we proceeded to take our HEAVY bagpacks. I was carrying a tent you know. :( So frigging heavy.
So, I was in the same boat as Ky, Siew Chen, Vinny, Hee Eun, Boon Kiat and Loi Bin. It was kinda fun as we sang the school song to overcome our tiredness. But in the end, we still reached there last. Lol. Since Ky and me were the ics, we needed to help them carry their bag packs to the camp site. Train muscles only. -.- So, we were the last ones to change into our sleeping attire. While changing, I suddenly heard a lot of people screaming in the outside. And it was really scary. I heard alot of flies' foot step. When I looked up, I realised so many fcuking flies above. And it's really alot. I SWEAR. No exaggeration.
And what made things worse was the net was broken, allowing flies to come in as and when they wanted. So, I panicked. I didn't know what happened outside, and I didn't know what to do inside. When I open the tent's door, some many flies came flying into my face. I screamed and closed it back. I never dared to open it again. :( So, Ky helped us and I ran out like crying. Sham told me that a leader should never show her group her weakness, and I'll always remember this. ^^ Seriously, it was damn scary. But dinner that night was pretty delicious although it's maggi mee. Haha. Night duty in the night and I noticed a lot of stars (pretty!) After that, we slept. I'm starting to love camp. ^^
Day 3: 24/03/2010.
I "LOST" MY PHONE. :(At around 6, we woke up, brushed teeth, prepared and had our breakfast. Once again, I lifted my heavy bagpack and started my very own journey - land expedition. I was quite upset becos I couldn't find my phone. Although I found it later to be inside the stinky and damp tent. Lol. Throughout this journey, the group was really united and we managed to make it to the quarry on time. ^^ We did rafting! Our group's raft didn't break you know. And we were the ones who snatched the sword from Elizabeth! HAHA. After that, we carried on with our land expedition with my wet clothes and shoes. I swear my whole feet turned white when I reached my destination. And it hurts like hell. Plus we had extra punishment - that is to walk for a few more metres for not meeting on time. :( So, like finally, we reached Camp 2. And thanks Cheryl for exchanging my heavy bag pack with hers for a while! ^^ Pitched tent, bathed and dinner. I was almost crazy over the mushroom soup. Damn nice okay. So, we went to sleep. Very peacefully after the tiring day.
Day 4: 25/03/2010.
Did some morning exercise and trekked back to Camp 1. This time, I carried my bag pack all the way you know! ^^ *Proud. Halfway through our journey, we had a challenge to overcome before we can proceed and that's to balance on the wooden rod. Everyone in the group had to finish it without falling. And both groups did well. Happy. ^^ Continued trekking till we return to base camp and we prepared for heights element! WOOTS. Haha, I was pretty disappointed as it turned out to rain when we were like so exicted about the outdoors activity which looked so challenging. But in the end, we tried out the indoor one instead. So, I managed to complete 2 elements. Yay! - Double decker dual & Snake and ladder. I partnered with Yuting for the first one and we were the first pair double that reached the top! Haha, yay! We took quite a long time and I thank the group for being so patient waiting. Our instructor also kept gaving us encouraging words and taught us the method to climb. Thanks!
Had celebration dinner as it was the last night. We cooked fried rice and stuff. The group was like debating whether to add vegetables into the fried rice. So, since I was the only source of obstacle, I told them to add it in. The rice had became porridge becos of some miscommunication but we managed to salvage the situation. ^^ Haha, Ky and Rendal played a prank on me and Nabeelah. Wth! Haha, Sham also made apple crumble! Yummy. When I tasted the food, I didn't want to have it anymore becos the vegetable was pure bitter. Sham, kind-heartedly decided to make cereal for me. Hee, the cereal damn nice.
But after having it, I was damn bloated. We went to a floating platform to write our journals. However, I was already starting to feel nauseous becos of the swaying motion of the platform and my bloated stomach. I managed to survived till the camp site before I blacked out. Everyone panicked. Especially instructors, Ky, Vinny, Siew Chen. My apologies! Sham carried me all the way back to the medical centre for the doctor to help me. Haha, after I regained conscious, I went back to bathe around 12.40am already. I slept in the same tent w/ Ky, Vinny, Cheryl and Yuting. We talked. Vinny slept first, followed by Ky and Cheryl. Yuting and I continued to talk for awhile before she went to sleep. Becos of space constrain, I didn't manage to sleep a bit. And I was freezing at night! But overall an awesome night w/ them.
Day 5: 26/03/2010.
We just did some packing, washing up and sovenier shopping. And can you imagine, I was practically using my bare hands to pick up rubbish tissues from the stupid girls' toilet. Wtf. :( But it's okay. Proceeded to MPH with all our things and had last briefing. Sham cried! Haha, didn't expect that. But was touched. He told us a poem "I want to go home". And I almost cried but didn't becos it was really nice. We went back to punggol jetty after that. And I miss OBS! :(
I guess I'll never forget my experience in OBS. It taught me how to be strong. ^^ I love OBS!
P/S: One of the days, Besty suddenly cried when she hugged me. Scare me! But I love her! ^^ Miss Boyf and her a lot during the camp!
That's about it. ^^

Day 1: 22/03/2010.
Meet Boyf for a while before proceeding to the hall to gather. Miss him like hellz. In the hall, realised that I wasn't in the same group with Besty. And I was very demoralised in terms of participating in the camp. Hmm, proceeded to the bus a few minutes later. That time, Boyf already went for class already. :( So, we reached the jetty in a while. Haha, my bag was frigging heavy! My group was NEHRU. We did some admin stuff and got to know our instructors - Shameel and Rendal. After that, on the boat we went. Same boat with Besty! Haha, was sitting behind her with Vinny and was applying my sunblock. Reached OBS camp 1 and started off with "confiscating our personal valuables". Didn't surrender my phone anyway. Haha, then. We drew something and played a few group games. Haha, we managed to beat the other schools' high score. Lol. Didn't do anything much. But I pitched tents with Ky and Vinny while the others cooked. ^^ Bathed, night walked and lights out!
Day 2: 23/03/2010.
I'm the IC for the day w/ Ky! HAHA. Woke up damn early today to unpitch tents. But it was fun. ^^ So, becos of the YOG thingy, we played a few games which includes the giant rope, giant ski, ball juggling and the wooden plank. But it rained suddenly, so we had to proceed indoors. Haha, although we lost thoroughly, I think we enjoyed it. Haha. We went to pack our stuffs for the sea expedition for 1 or 2 hours before getting ready to learn how to row a boat. Lol, I was practically sun tanning at the floating platform becos I was the last group to learn the skills. But Rendal told us about quarries. Haha. Ate a bread for lunch and then we proceeded to take our HEAVY bagpacks. I was carrying a tent you know. :( So frigging heavy.
So, I was in the same boat as Ky, Siew Chen, Vinny, Hee Eun, Boon Kiat and Loi Bin. It was kinda fun as we sang the school song to overcome our tiredness. But in the end, we still reached there last. Lol. Since Ky and me were the ics, we needed to help them carry their bag packs to the camp site. Train muscles only. -.- So, we were the last ones to change into our sleeping attire. While changing, I suddenly heard a lot of people screaming in the outside. And it was really scary. I heard alot of flies' foot step. When I looked up, I realised so many fcuking flies above. And it's really alot. I SWEAR. No exaggeration.
And what made things worse was the net was broken, allowing flies to come in as and when they wanted. So, I panicked. I didn't know what happened outside, and I didn't know what to do inside. When I open the tent's door, some many flies came flying into my face. I screamed and closed it back. I never dared to open it again. :( So, Ky helped us and I ran out like crying. Sham told me that a leader should never show her group her weakness, and I'll always remember this. ^^ Seriously, it was damn scary. But dinner that night was pretty delicious although it's maggi mee. Haha. Night duty in the night and I noticed a lot of stars (pretty!) After that, we slept. I'm starting to love camp. ^^
Day 3: 24/03/2010.
I "LOST" MY PHONE. :(At around 6, we woke up, brushed teeth, prepared and had our breakfast. Once again, I lifted my heavy bagpack and started my very own journey - land expedition. I was quite upset becos I couldn't find my phone. Although I found it later to be inside the stinky and damp tent. Lol. Throughout this journey, the group was really united and we managed to make it to the quarry on time. ^^ We did rafting! Our group's raft didn't break you know. And we were the ones who snatched the sword from Elizabeth! HAHA. After that, we carried on with our land expedition with my wet clothes and shoes. I swear my whole feet turned white when I reached my destination. And it hurts like hell. Plus we had extra punishment - that is to walk for a few more metres for not meeting on time. :( So, like finally, we reached Camp 2. And thanks Cheryl for exchanging my heavy bag pack with hers for a while! ^^ Pitched tent, bathed and dinner. I was almost crazy over the mushroom soup. Damn nice okay. So, we went to sleep. Very peacefully after the tiring day.
Day 4: 25/03/2010.
Did some morning exercise and trekked back to Camp 1. This time, I carried my bag pack all the way you know! ^^ *Proud. Halfway through our journey, we had a challenge to overcome before we can proceed and that's to balance on the wooden rod. Everyone in the group had to finish it without falling. And both groups did well. Happy. ^^ Continued trekking till we return to base camp and we prepared for heights element! WOOTS. Haha, I was pretty disappointed as it turned out to rain when we were like so exicted about the outdoors activity which looked so challenging. But in the end, we tried out the indoor one instead. So, I managed to complete 2 elements. Yay! - Double decker dual & Snake and ladder. I partnered with Yuting for the first one and we were the first pair double that reached the top! Haha, yay! We took quite a long time and I thank the group for being so patient waiting. Our instructor also kept gaving us encouraging words and taught us the method to climb. Thanks!
Had celebration dinner as it was the last night. We cooked fried rice and stuff. The group was like debating whether to add vegetables into the fried rice. So, since I was the only source of obstacle, I told them to add it in. The rice had became porridge becos of some miscommunication but we managed to salvage the situation. ^^ Haha, Ky and Rendal played a prank on me and Nabeelah. Wth! Haha, Sham also made apple crumble! Yummy. When I tasted the food, I didn't want to have it anymore becos the vegetable was pure bitter. Sham, kind-heartedly decided to make cereal for me. Hee, the cereal damn nice.
But after having it, I was damn bloated. We went to a floating platform to write our journals. However, I was already starting to feel nauseous becos of the swaying motion of the platform and my bloated stomach. I managed to survived till the camp site before I blacked out. Everyone panicked. Especially instructors, Ky, Vinny, Siew Chen. My apologies! Sham carried me all the way back to the medical centre for the doctor to help me. Haha, after I regained conscious, I went back to bathe around 12.40am already. I slept in the same tent w/ Ky, Vinny, Cheryl and Yuting. We talked. Vinny slept first, followed by Ky and Cheryl. Yuting and I continued to talk for awhile before she went to sleep. Becos of space constrain, I didn't manage to sleep a bit. And I was freezing at night! But overall an awesome night w/ them.
Day 5: 26/03/2010.
We just did some packing, washing up and sovenier shopping. And can you imagine, I was practically using my bare hands to pick up rubbish tissues from the stupid girls' toilet. Wtf. :( But it's okay. Proceeded to MPH with all our things and had last briefing. Sham cried! Haha, didn't expect that. But was touched. He told us a poem "I want to go home". And I almost cried but didn't becos it was really nice. We went back to punggol jetty after that. And I miss OBS! :(
I guess I'll never forget my experience in OBS. It taught me how to be strong. ^^ I love OBS!
P/S: One of the days, Besty suddenly cried when she hugged me. Scare me! But I love her! ^^ Miss Boyf and her a lot during the camp!
That's about it. ^^
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